Movavi Screen Capture Review

Movavi Screen

Have you ever watched a live stream and wished that you could have recorded it to view later? Maybe your favorite online show happened to be playing and you had to get up and wished that you could record it? 

Honestly, there are an entire host of scenarios where being able to record your screen would be a good thing – but most people simply don’t have the capability to do so. The main reason for this is that people assume that recording video is complicated, when the fact of the matter is that it really isn’t – if you have the right tools to do so. That is where the Movavi Screen Recorder comes in, and hands you exactly what you need to accomplish your goal.

Screen Capture Made Easy

If you were to think about it, what exactly is it about recording your screen that is difficult? Needless to say the most daunting part for most people is the fact that there are numerous settings that need to be configured – most of which require an in-depth knowledge of video formats and so on.

The good news is that with the Movavi Screen Recorder you’ll find that you don’t need to fiddle around with settings that you barely understand. Instead, the only ‘setting up’ that you’ll need to do will consist of:

  • Select the area that you want to capture: It could be the full screen, or a small region, or just a particular window – the choice is entirely yours.
  • Choose the audio source, i.e. is it from a microphone, a musical instrument, a preset soundtrack, a particular program, or whatever the computer happens to emit.

Once that’s done you’re all set up and ready to record at the press of a button. Even after your recording is done you won’t need to try to make sense of various video formats in order to save it because there’ll be a huge array of helpful presets that you can use to select the optimal format for your needs.

In a nutshell, Movavi takes all the complicatedness out of screen capture and makes it easy. The truly amazing part however is that you’ll still have as many options as you need at your disposal to ensure that the end product looks exactly the way that you want it to.

Of course, all of this is really just scratching the surface. Suffice to say, the Movavi Screen Recorder is a powerful screen capture software that is capable of professional quality screen capture. Once you’ve tried it out, odds are you won’t want to ever use anything else ever again as it really does make even the most demanding screen capture project seem trivially easy by comparison.

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